Magnolia Art Kertépítő Kft. - kerttervezés, kertépítés

Private gardens

Public realm

Kerttervezés, kertépítés - Magnolia Art Kertépítő Kft. Kerttervezés, kertépítés - Magnolia Art Kertépítő Kft.

We assume garden design and construction for yards of family houses, flats, summer cottages, other properties. Our team offers creative, aesthetic, easy-to-maintain solutions with high quality implementing, anywhere in Hungary or abroad. For us designing and building a garden cannot begin without trust and conversation. Our aim is to realize your ideas and dreams both on paper and in reality.

We design and construct urban green areas for towns and institutions following the latest domestic and European trends and legislation. We undertake conceptual and execution level design with documenting, 3D renderings, and tender documents all over the country. Our goal is to contribute the development of the environmental education for public.

Ökoturisztikai attrakció-körforgásos folyamatokra épülő kertészet és mintagazdaság, konferencia tér Kapacitásbővítő beruházás a Magnolia Art Kft-nél

Developed by Moksaphoto